Wednesday, September 28, 2011



I woke up this morning in the silliest mood and was offered several more opportunities to laugh and cry before lunch.  First, I was offered a quote from FB that said, “ You can’t ruin friendship with sex, that’s like trying to ruin ice cream with chocolate sprinkles”.  As I write this a few hours later, I get that full belly laugh, still.  It sounds like a fine idea.  How can we ruin something good by adding something even better to it?  The sweet young man who posted this touched my heart, as I could see that he believes this, and wants others to share in the belief, or maybe he had another motivation!  Fortunately, or unfortunately the responses from both men and women blew his theory to smithereens.  It would appear some don’t like sprinkles, while others have undertaken the implementation of this idea, and the outcome was found to be something to the contrary.

This reminded me of the Expo again (huh?) and that I wanted to finish sharing my experience.  It reminded me that we can be told things that may sound logical, even practical, we have intelligence to access, it makes sense, however when we consider our experience of the idea we feel bad, the aftereffect is not what we were told it would be and then what?  Do we reconsider the original thought and make changes, or do we feel helpless to change and allow these “ideas” to rule our future decisions, all the while having that feeling in our gut that something is really wrong here?

While there are lots of areas I have had the occasion to reconsider what I thought to be true, this more recent arena of our food supply has sparked my consciousness to re-evaluate and pay attention.  I’m asking myself to examine what I’ve been told, what is my responsibility (and yours, I pray) in making changes, what do I want to create and be a part of, can I make changes, do I want to?  All of this has been brought to the forefront by my attendance at the Heirloom Expo.  What is seed saving and why is it important?  You may think, seed saving isn’t important to me, I don’t grow anything, but it is……   If you want to eat healthy, natural and nutritious food, this is just the tip of the iceberg lettuce.  I used to think it was only important to eat more fruits and veggies.  But just because something appears fresh and green, doesn’t mean there is much nutrition in it.  What?!?!?!  Well, think about it….If that lettuce was grown with seeds that are genetically modified to look pretty, protect against insect damage, grow fast, and last long to be transported, what do you think was taken out or added to accomplish this?  Seed saving is crucially important for ALL of us, consumers, farmers, and even me with my l-i-t-t-l-e  patio garden. 

The Keynote Speaker the last night was Dr. Vandana Shiva, .  Dr. Shiva delivered her message in a most passionate, simple, logical, and scientific way that made it impossible for me to deny the danger we are facing.  What has been going on with the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) by the large monocrop farms vs. the small, local, non-GMO farmers trying to protect our future food supply, is so much worse than I could ever have imagined.  The effects are not only on the business of farming, and the violation of simple human rights to produce food.  Monsanto, the major player in this conspiracy, seems to have it’s goal be to control the food supply from a business standpoint using marketing and fear tactics, with an unconsciousness and often hidden-in-the-media agenda to cause death and destruction to their competition: the farmers, the bees ( & , soil, and amazingly, those (us) consuming the food produced by the GMO seeds.  This subject is so huge and far-reaching it is almost beyond comprehension to me and way more than I can contain in this blog.  Can a company patent a seed, something made by nature, and tell anyone they cannot use the seed unless they use the seed sold by the company with the patent?  Who would think that any person or organization would create or contribute to the demise of the global food supply, and ultimately the population, by promoting a false belief in the scarcity of seed or food?  They (GMO seed creators) are creating any scarcity that seems to exist.  I have a button in my car that has the word THEY, with a line through it.  From my metaphysical background, and my education in Consciousness Studies at the Centers for Spiritual Living,, I know there is no “they”, that “they” is “I”.  What is in “their” consciousness is somehow, somewhere in mine, and it’s my job to uncover and rid myself of the false beliefs.  I’m willing to look at this.  I’m willing to see that I’ve had a scarcity and fear-based consciousness.  Have many of us escaped this in your lives?  

We have so many resources for good in the world and I am going to try to present many of them in my blog.  What I am constantly making decisions about is where I’m choosing to contribute my consciousness and my energy.  As I’ve heard, “It’s simple, but not always easy”.  Do I sit and watch the news for hours on end?  Hell no!   I even recently figured out it is not helping my understanding of relationships to watch many of the comedy shows on TV...who knew?  I’m finding it is much more educational and productive, both intellectually and spiritually, for me to read about or watch something or participate in activities I enjoy; activities that reminds me I am not helpless, activities that make me feel good about who I am and who you are.  There is so much to do and so much joy and fun to be had, and yes, there are things in the world that suck!  This is my attempt to make positive changes in my life and share them with you, while not letting the sucky stuff win.  I hope you too are inspired to do something that helps you feel good about being here, and I hope you’ll share those things with us.

I was reminded of this when I awoke yesterday morning to find that my newest old friend, Don Hawk, had passed away while on his morning bike ride along the coast.  I met Don only 2 months ago and spent 10 days in Bali, with him and 27 other sojourners from CSLSR, and Kansas City  Don made a point of getting to know me and sharing his life experiences with me.  He was passionate about caring for people and being a good person.  He genuinely cared about life and died doing something he loved and was passionate about.  I’ll miss getting to know you more, Don.  I’m including a few pictures from our trip in honor of Don’s impact on life, specifically my life.  

So to end, I say (not just I say, look up R.W. Emerson, Thoreau, Ernest Holmes, Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle, Oprah, The Course in Miracles, and countless others), we live in a world of abundance.  We have an abundant ability to produce good, nutritious and healthy food.  We, as a global community have an abundance of ideas and creative genius to share that works for the good of ALL.  We have an abundance of faith in the goodness in the Universe (look in the mirror!).  My prayer is that every reminder of this abundance is noticed and celebrated, we stand for what is just, we act from love, we are confident and persistent in pursuing our passions, we respect ALL life, & as Jaison , another of my favorite teachers says, DO NO HARM. 

Blessings of Love and Peace to All~

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